I learned somewhere that when you worry about someone, it sends the subliminal message they can't handle what's going on, can't take care of themselves. I truly believe that. Which is why I do not worry about others, and I have found it easier to not worry about myself or my life either. Worry drains the soul of all that is good and positive and is such a waste of time.
And when you are vulnerable and honest with yourself - regardless if the world sees or reads or hears it - it seems to magically give all that crap less power over you. My behind the scenes IS my highlight reel.
Humans are so afraid of being seen for who they really are that they mask it with niceties and pretty pictures of themselves enjoying their life. Got a problem - tell someone. Need to unload your drama - do it. Need to curl up on the couch and cry or binge a show you've seen 1,000 times before - go for it.
If you have survived every shitty thing in your life to date - be assured you will survive this too. Whatever "this" is.
But connection - true vulnerable connection - with those who are suffering right alongside with you is one of the most important acts of self care out there and can alleviate the need for worry. I love you. I love life and all it's ups and downs, and I am grateful everyday for what I have and for SIMPLE things life Authenticity, Health, Love and Courage.
So, next time you feel like saying, "Oh I just worry so much about him" or "I'm worried about you", because you think it will validate their feelings and relieve you of concern - know this - all it is saying is, "I don't think you can handle yourself". Instead, practice saying, "I see you. I understand. I believe in you. I love you" is all anyone ever needs to hear to get back on their feet again. Make true connection by being mindfully compassionate and empathetic - because we all have that capacity. And we all have the courage to do brave, vulnerable things. I believe in you.
And focus on what matters. To you, Not anyone else. Focus on what matters to you.
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