It's not so much about people approving you or what you do. It's not about being validated per se. It's not so much about being with the "in crowd" or those you wish were your friends. What truly matters, is that those who are invited into our lives, to see you. What does it mean to be seen?
In the last few days I have had a few experiences that I was seriously present and accounted for - I was awake and conscious of the air around me during these moments. And they both involved people I love, looking me in the eye and I could feel them listening to me. I could feel something inside me, as I was speaking. I have felt that before, but now I know what it is. It was joy.
It was my soul being seen. It matters not what the topics were, but for a split second I got the gut feeling that the person opposite me was actively engaged in what I was saying. It felt AMAZING.
Now, I am a tad conflicted. Conflicted between trusting those emotions and my aware and conscious behavior. We like to feel loved. Right? We like to feel as if someone actually heard us. Actually saw our soul for a moment. And we were okay with that vulnerability. But, we want this feeling to last, we want this "seeing" to continue. But in a short bleep, it's gone. Because we are in a constantly evolving flow of energy. Feelings are merely a way to let your body know something is going on - they are not the holy grail of who we are. They come and go. They are earthly things. Emotions are merely red or white flags waving, distracting and tricking us on our run through life.
And so I am left with again, the impermanence of things, of feelings, of the moment. What I trust in is that being aware, being fully conscious in the moment, is better for my soul than any compliment or approval or validation from anyone other than myself. And that is not impermanent. That gut trust can remain with the person for eternity. Because the soul is always with itself. It sees itself all the time.
We get ourselves into trouble and heartache when we give away the power we have had all along to be our own true selves. We give it to those we want approvals from - colleagues, partners, parents, friends, strangers - why? Is it because we have no idea how to tap into our own soul love?
The soul is a massive beautifully crafted artisan bowl filled and overspilling with compliments, approval, time, love, space, validation, authenticity, courage, bravery, peace and simplicity. The soul has all these things and more. Way more. So I think my new practice is going to not recreate that feeling of being seen - by others. But to be seen - just by me. To create my own amazing feelings - just for me. Just for today.
So, I challenge you, to practice the Art of Living honestly within your soul, for your soul, to your soul. For the soul is the connection between every single other thing in the universe. It will never fail you and is the only constant we have. And that is rare and so very crucial to our survival. Find that soul (or whatever you call it) connection - with yourself - and trust it, practice it, cultivate it, HONOR it - and above all else - love it with the most pure, soft and gentle embrace as if you were holding it in the most fragile thing you have ever held in your life - in palm of your hands.
because everyday, every moment, you are.
Namasté loves.
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