Oh comfrey. How I love thee.

A beautiful soul granted me access to her bountiful plants today. 

They now soak in rain water and will soon be hanging in my apothecary to dry out and become the most amazing bone healer. 

2 different people this last year, have used my comfrey oil for specific issues related to bone healing. One for a spinal surgery and one for cancer healing. Both went for follow up checkups with their PCP and were told they have never seen such healing at the stage they were. Their docs were amazed and wanted to know what they were doing. 😉 They have since ordered more and continue to use the oil to promote their bone health. ***As with any herbal anything, it's best practices are to use them for awhile, stop and allow the body to assimilate and then go back to it. The body knows what to do. They are not meant to be taken long term. No herbs are. ***
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) acts as an anti-inflammatory to promote healing of bruises, sprains, and open wounds when applied topically. The roots and leaves of this plant contain the protein allantoin, which stimulates cell proliferation and promote wound and bone healings.

***It is not safe to take orally and can have damaging effects on the liver. Please do your research, talk with me, or any herbalist when using anything natural - from herbs to essential oils. Every body reacts differently and nature must be respected. ***✌


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